Saturday, June 27, 2009

Trees of Kerala-Rosewood (Eetty)

Keralites have got lot of fascination for Rosewood, known as Eetty in Malayalam. In finished condition this wood will have a smooth brown colour nearing coffee brown in colour.
This wood is normally preferred for furniture work as with carvings wood will look good. When you plant a rosewood tree it grows very slowly. It takes nearly 120 years for it to reach a size suitable for cutting and use. Outside of the wood will have more soft core compared to teak. Among wood used in Kerala this wood is the costliest.
This wood cannot be used for door and window frames as the wood will get damaged when it get in contact with cemented surface. It can only be used for shutters and furniture. Pictures show Rosewood trees of reasonably bigger size. I have planted a tree ten years back in my land .But it is yet to become thicker in size though teak wood planted on the same day has grown in thickness almost three times


  1. you are exactly right. rosewood in north india is known as shisham, we are contractors from kerala in our experience due to severe hot season and winder season, this wood is always flexible to climate changes. but it is properly dried and seasoning it can be used. However we recomend use teak or sal wood ( sahuah in Hindi) but in kerla it is known as Mangium but keralite are unaware of the qualities of Mangium

    baby joseph
